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Table properties : TableGroup

Table group
Use this group for a table with these characteristics
The table contains data primarily used as parameters or setup information for one of the main tables (a table that has a TableGroup property of Main).
The table typically contains only one record per company.
CustParameters, VendParameters
The table contains data primarily used to categorize one of the main tables (a table that has a TableGroup property of Main).
There is a one-to-many relationship between a Group table and a Main table.
CustGroup, VendGroup
The table is one of the principal tables in the application and contains data for a central business object.
The table typically holds static, base information.
There is a one-to-many relationship between the Main table and a Transaction table.
CustTable, VendTable
The table contains transaction data.
The table is typically not used for data entry directly.
CustTrans, VendTrans
The table typically categorizes information in the WorkSheetLine tables.
There is a one-to-many relationship between a WorkSheetHeader table and a WorkSheetLine table.
The table contains information to be validated and made into transactions.
In comparison to the data contained in a Transaction table, the data in WorkSheetLine tables is temporary and may be deleted without affecting system stability.
The table does not fit in any of the other categories. This is the default value for a new table.

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